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R.Kelly declares plan to tour Australia, he has also been barred from Bauer Media

On Tuesday R.Kelly publicly declared his intention to tour Australia, New Zealand and Sri Lanka on twitter.

Kelly who is facing many backlashes concerning the Lifetime aired docuseries "Surviving R.Kelly" and who is under investigation at present is still announcing his plans to continue his career.

Regardless of the sexual misconduct allegation against the R&B star, some fans are still showing their love for him and they wish to see him perform.

"So now I have to travel out of U.S for an R.Kelly concert? Oh no I need to see my boo..., a comment from one of Kelly's follower on social media.

" I may just travel for this", another follower wrote.

However, not long after the declaration of the tour plan, the tweet was deleted.

Some fans really frowned at the announcement, this is due to the same sexual misconduct allegation on ground.

As reported by Independent, Shayne Neumann who is the Labor party's shadow minister for immigration in Australia, said his party would not allow Kelly to get a visa.

"Labor strongly supports the refusal or cancellation of visas of non-citizens on  criminal grounds, Labor would be seriously concerned if immigration minister will allow someone like Kelly into Australia", Shayne said.

According to Independent, people like Chris Brown and Floyd Mayweather has formerly been denied visas in Australia.

Kelly who is planing to release an album soon according to information has recently been banned from entering Philadelphia, he has also been reportedly barred by Bauer Media which has around 3 million listeners a week in Denmark.

"As a radio we have a responsibility on who we give the airtime to, it's very serious and we feel we can't have him on the playlists", Baurer Media official Tobias Nielsen said.

 R.Kelly was officially dropped by his record label Sony Music in January.

Singers like Celine Dion and Lady Gaga has removed their collaboration with Kelly from streaming while Chance The Rapper also apologized for working with Kelly.

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Related : Woman says she has R. Kelly's DNA after he sexually abused her

FBI investigates R. Kelly for flying underage girl

R.Kelly's daughter calls him a "monster"

Celine Dion takes down hit song "I'm Your Angel" collaborated with R.Kelly from streaming services


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