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Showing posts with the label ideal age in marriage

The ideal age gap for a lasting marriage

Is age really nothing but a number? Of course I would say yes when it comes to life accomplishments but when it comes to marriage, I think age may be more than a number. Survey has shown that men usually desire a younger partner, even at that, we all know that having a younger and attractive partner does not guarantee a lasting marriage. There is usually decrease in marital satisfaction at long run for partners whose age gap is wide compare to those with small age gaps or same age. Research has shown that the wider the age gap between couple, the more likely they are to get divorced. The study found that - One year gap in the age of couple make them 3 percent more likely to divorce when compared to their same aged fellow, then, when the age gap is up to 5 years the chances of divorce rise to 18 percent, with a 10 year difference it rises to 39 percent and when it's up to a 20 year age gap, the chances of divorce rise to 95 percent. In view of this, it is better to marry