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Emiliano Sala Funeral : Family and Friends said Adieu

Sala's funeral was held on Saturday, February 16, 2019. The farewell started with a wake in the gym of Sala's soccer boyhood club, San Martín de Progress, in the Argentinian province of Santa Fe. Majority of the villagers joined Sala's family for the funeral of Emiliano who grew up in a nearby Cululu and happened to be a star. According to Walesonline, Cardiff City manager Neil Warnock said, "Things like this don't happen very often. You can't really understand the emotions of the family, but the thing today is how united they all are". "It's been very difficult for everyone but more for his mother - Mercedes, sister- Romina and the brother". "It's been very moving in there. Mercedes has been an amazing woman. She's been fantastic. The whole village is really united and I think it brings it home to you just how important family are". "The father has been emotional too but I think they have comfort in th

Emiliano Sala body discovered from wreckage plane

With the support of local coroner, police were able to identity the body found in the wreckage plane as that of Emiliano. A plane carrying Emiliano went missing on January 21, the plane wreckage was located early February after a thorough search and a body was found in the plane. Dorset Police said in a statement - "The body brought to Portland Port today, Thursday February 7 2019, has been formally identified by HM Coroner for Dorset as that of professional footballer Emiliano Sala". Dorset Police continued, "The families of Emiliano and the pilot David Ibbotson have been informed and will continue to be supported by specially trained family liaison officers. Our thoughts remain with them at this difficult time". HM Coroner together with Dorset Police will continue to investigate the circumstances of this death. It was reported on January 21 2019 that a plane carrying Emiliano to Cardiff went missing with Emiliano and the Pilot David Ibbotson and a

Body found inside wreckage of Emiliano Sala's plane

The plane that was carrying the Cardiff striker Emiliano Sala went missing on January 21 and after searching for it for four days, nothing was found. A privately funded search was organized and it was reported on Sunday that the missing plane has been located. A search boat found the wreckage on the seabed of the English Channel on Sunday, following a search led by a marine explorer David Mearns David Mearns who has been working together with AAIB told Sky News : "The wreckage of the plane carrying Emiliano Sala and piloted by David Ibbotson has been found". Investigators inspecting the wreckage of Emiliano Sala's plane just reported that a body has been spotted inside the aircraft. The Air Accident Investigation Branch (AAIB) stated that, "Tragically, in video footage, a body is visible amidst the wreckage". The body was located using an underwater camera. The AAIB is now contemplating on the next steps in discussing with the police and famili