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Typhoid with serious lower back pain (Typhoid Osteomyelitis)

 Typhoid with serious lower back pain This is called Typhoid Osteomyelitis of the lumbar spine Perhaps you are here because you have been diagnosed with Typhoid and after treatment, you still continue having serious lower back pain. Typhoid Osteomyelitis is more like a secondary form of typhoid fever caused by Salmonella typhi.  Salmonella typhi is sensitive to ampicillin, ciprofloxacin, and ceftriaxone. However, the typhoid Osteomyelitis maybe resistant to one or some of these medications. According to research, typhoid has been reported to be resistant to ciprofloxacin in some people. Also, if the treatment doesn't last for a while with some of these medications the lower back pain (sometimes with stomach ache) could persist. You may notice some form of skin nodule in some part of your body as well. A case of a patient that was formerly reported according to PubMed:  A 25-year-old Nepali man presented with a 20-day history of fever associated with a lower backache. Physical exam

Anorexia Nervosa : signs, complications and treatment

Anorexia nervosa or Anorexia is an eating disorder which could be identified by excessive weight loss, the wish to remain thin or even thinner and negative understanding of weight gain. Someone with anorexia will work excessively to control his or her weight by greatly reducing the quantity of food he or she consumes and by getting involved in intense exercise. These immoderate labour negatively affects his or her lifestyle. Sometimes, people with anorexia make use of laxatives, enemas or diuretics in order to remain thin. They may throw up after eating and they usually involve themselves in some exercises  to become lightweight. Occasionally, Anorexia Nervosa could be unsound and harmful means of dealing with sensitive issues. A person suffering from Anorexia will remain disturbed and fearful of gaining weight, regardless of how lean he or she could be. People with Anorexia value thinness a lot. Although, male and female of any age, race or ethnicity could be affe

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)

High blood pressure (HBP) or hypertension is a situation in which the force of blood against the artery walls becomes high. Blood pressure is the amount of force that the blood places on the walls of the veins and arteries as it moves through the body. When the blood pressure becomes too high, it can put stress on the arteries and eventually harm the arteries. A normal blood pressure for adult is described as a systolic pressure or top number of less than 120 and a diastolic pressure or base number of less than 80. The systolic blood pressure is the pressure caused by contraction of the heart and pushing out blood. The diastolic blood pressure is the pressure when  the heart relaxes and fills with blood. If blood pressure becomes higher than normal, there could possibly be risk of complications after a while. However, a single high reading does not necessarily indicate that you have high blood pressure, your blood pressure could be affected by many factors throu

Fact about Egg and cholesterol

I have noticed that people often ask questions like - can I eat eggs? I heard it has much cholesterol. Some people believe egg may be unhealthy because of its high cholesterol. Some doctors tells their patients to avoid egg because egg will increase their cholesterol level. If you are among these people, I'm glad to inform you that that's an old story. Recent study has shown that eggs are healthy and can even improve your health as they have nutrients that could be difficult to find in other foods. Epidemiological research, which is a type of research that studies large population for some period and after study, this research will analyse their diet and health. This study has discovered there is no link between egg consumption and increase in cardiovascular disease. In fact, researchers studied nearly half a million Chinese adults over nine years and discovered that eating one egg daily resulted in reduced risk of cardiovascular/heart disease and stroke. However,

Importance of Knowing Your Total Cholesterol and Non-HDL Cholesterol levels

Cholesterol is fat-like substance, it is present in all cells of the body, much quantity in the brain and nerve tissue, it is also present in sebum secreted by the sebaceous glands. The human body gets cholesterol from two sources - 1) It is synthesized in the liver 2) From food Excessive consumption of cholesterol leads to cardiovascular diseases. Quality lipid review in the body system calculates total  cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and triglycerides. Formerly, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) also known as "bad" lipoprotein used to be basic objective of therapy in prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Drug and diet therapy to lower cholesterol were frequently based on the amount of LDL. Recent research however, has detected that LDL is not the only type of lipoprotein capable of causing cardiovascular diseases. Triglyceride-rich lipoprotein also tends to promote the formation of fatty deposits in the arteries, a situatio

Food Science and Technology vs Nutrition and Dietetics : Know the difference

I have noticed people often use these terms interchangeably, but is it proper to use them interchangeably? Perhaps you are always confused about the differences between these courses. I think you are on the right track in clearing your doubt as  I (the writer of this article) have a diploma in Food Science and Technology and I also hold a degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. Can you now see I'm qualified to clear your doubt and confusions? Get a brandable domain name for your business today!!! Nutrition : Nutrition is the process by which nutrients and the substances in food interacts with one another so as to be useful for growth, repair, metabolism, reproduction, maintenance of health and management of diseases. Dietetics : This is the application of knowledge of nutrition to human diet in order to maintain good health and to manage illness and diseases. Food science : This is the application of basic science and engineering to study the chemical, microbiological, bioch

Apples: Health Benefits

Apples are popular healthy fruits, the healthy reasons to eat them are many. In this article, we shall discuss the crucial benefits of apples. Apples contain polyphenols, which have antioxidant effects. Many of the polyphenols and fiber are present in the peels. So ensure you consume your apple together with the peel. Polyphenols are divided into two subtypes : - Flavonoids - Non-flavonoids The two are healthy. Polyphenols include : - Chlorogenic acid : This a good antioxidant for people that wants to lose weight, it helps in metabolism, slows the absorption of fat. -Epicatechin : This is an antioxidant that has the ability of improving insulin and can improve diabetes and heart health. -Phloretin : A type of flavonoid that is found in all types of apple. -Quercetin glycoside : This could help maintain blood pressure, blood sugar and attack atherosclerosis. Natural and Safe product to maintain normal blood pressure Antioxidants varies in different types of app

Diabetes : Types and management

Diabetes or diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by high blood glucose level (hyperglycemia), which occurs due to defect in insulin action, secretion of insulin or both. Blood glucose (sugar) is the result of the body breaking down the food consumed (usually carbohydrates) into glucose. The body then transports glucose through the bloodstream to all the calls in the body, where it is finally used for energy Insulin is a hormone produced by pancreas which is responsible for transporting glucose in the blood into the cells for energy, thus, resulting in diabetes. When the body doesn't make sufficient insulin or doesn't use it as expected, the glucose (sugar) remain in the bloodstream rather than being transported to the cells for energy. Symptoms include:  Polydipsia (frequent urination) Polyphagia (increased thirst) Polyuria (increased hunger) Types of diabetes Type 1 diabetes: This is a autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to

Ketogenic diet : what you need to know about it

Ketogenic or keto diet means- high fat, moderate protein and low carbohydrate/carb diet. Keto diet is not like other low-carb, high protein diet that significantly helps in weight loss. A keto diet is majorly based on fat, the fat provides as much as 80% of the daily calories The objective of keto diet is to provide a different type of fuel for the body in lieu of glucose (sugar) that we get from the carbohydrates. An alternative fuel known as "ketone" is produced from fat. Therefore, your body is forced to convert fat rather than sugar to energy. This is known as ketosis. When your body experience this ; your metabolism speed up. Fat would not make your insulin rise as carbohydrate or even protein will. It should be noted that ketogenic diet is a "therapeutic diet", that is only of advantage to people with certain medical conditions. Ketogenic diet is NOT meant for everyone. If you are on keto diet, then, you must eat fat at each meal. The keto diet re

Banana : health benefits

Difference between home science (Nutrition and dietetics specialization) and Nutrition and dietetics Major

       Nutrition is the process by which nutrients and other substances in food interact with one another after absorption, in order to be useful for growth, repair, metabolism, reproduction, maintenance of health and management of diseases.      Dietetics on the other hand, is the application of the knowledge of nutrition to human diet (diet is the total food eaten by an individual) in order to maintain good quality health and manage illnesses and diseases.     Home science or family and consumer science is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge which the objective is at achieving the proper maintenance of individuals, family and society well-being. I previously wrote a detail article about  Home science . To understand this article, let's first explain the meaning of Degree specialization and Major degree. Download interesting books, novels, storybooks and movies • Degree specialization or concentration : This is usually in between a degree program and a specific

Health benefit of fruits and the right time to eat fruits

        In a layman's language, fruit is the fleshy seed associated structures of a plant that are sweet or sour and consumable in the raw form e.g pawpaw, apples, bananas strawberries, grapes, oranges e.t.c. Botanically, a fruit means the seeds bearing structure in flowering plants (otherwise called angiosperms), which is formed from the ovary after flowering. Fruits are means of disseminating seeds by angiosperms. Symbiotic relationship occur between animals, humans and fruits as a means of seed dispersal and nutrition. As we know, many animals and humans depend on fruits as a source of food. Base on botanical usage, "fruit" includes: tomatoes, wheat grain, corn kernels, bean pods and many other structures that are not marjorly and commonly called "fruits".      Observational studies have shown that eating more fruits and vegetables makes one have a lower risk of various diseases. Majority of the studies and research work combine the discussion about