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Anorexia Nervosa : signs, complications and treatment

Anorexia nervosa or Anorexia is an eating disorder which could be identified by excessive weight loss, the wish to remain thin or even thinner and negative understanding of weight gain.

Someone with anorexia will work excessively to control his or her weight by greatly reducing the quantity of food he or she consumes and by getting involved in intense exercise. These immoderate labour negatively affects his or her lifestyle.

Sometimes, people with anorexia make use of laxatives, enemas or diuretics in order to remain thin. They may throw up after eating and they usually involve themselves in some exercises  to become lightweight.

Occasionally, Anorexia Nervosa could be unsound and harmful means of dealing with sensitive issues. A person suffering from Anorexia will remain disturbed and fearful of gaining weight, regardless of how lean he or she could be.

People with Anorexia value thinness a lot.

Although, male and female of any age, race or ethnicity could be affected, however, Anorexia is more common in young women and usually starts during adolescent stage.


• Avoiding meals
• The wish to remain lean
• Being underweight and still thinking you are fat
• Taking appetite suppressants
• Irregular period in female
• Lightheadedness, dry skin, hair loss, dizziness and sometimes fainting
• Dehydration
• Dry and brittle nails
• Inability to tolerate cold.

Some affected people may not be so thin, and the definition of lightweight may vary from one person to the other.

It is important to note that, studies have discovered that larger-bodied people can also have anorexia, although they may be less likely to be diagnosed.


Anorexia Nervosa could lead to complications like heart problems, bone loss, absence of period in female, reduced testosterone in male (testosterone is the main sex hormone that regulates fertility in male), kidney problems, muscle loss, electrolyte imbalance, anemia, gastrointestinal disorder, decreased interest in sex, and so on.


Anorexia could also lead to mental health conditions which include; anxiety, social phobia and depression. Suicide thought, alcohol or substance abuse e.t.c.


Although, early signs may be noticed by family doctors, internists, pediatricians and other primary care doctors, these set of people may help prevent the further development, there is no certain means of preventing anorexia.


Talking therapies could be used to treat anorexia. The goal of the therapy is to point out the causes of the eating disorder and help in feeling more relaxed with meals so as to start eating good and nutritious foods and have a sound weight.

The therapies for adult include :

• Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

• Maudsley Anorexia Nervosa Treatment for Adult ( MANTRA)

• Specialist Supportive Clinical Management (SSCM)

• Focal Psychodynamic Therapy

• Diet Advice

Treatment for child and young people include :

• Family Therapy

• Adolescent Focused Psychotherapy

• Diet Advice

In most cases, you will only need one of the listed therapies supported by Diet Advice. If you are an adult, you may also be offered Antidepressants.

Regular check-up is needed even after your treatment is completed. Your weight, mental and physical health would be regularly checked either by a physician or eating disorder specialist.

If you observe that a member of your family is having extreme dieting habit, great wish to remain thin or even to become thinner, social phobia and depression, you may need to talk to the person about anorexia, because the complications of anorexia could be serious and may lead to death as a result of arrhythmia (irregular or abnormal heart rhythm) and electrolyte abnormalities.

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