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Why you may need high heels

High heels refers to shoes that have obvious elevated heels compared with the toe.

We have heard a lot about high heel shoes, medically, high heels might have some negative effects, it also causes discomfort sometimes but most of us may still have a reason to wear heels sometimes in our lifetime.

For some, it's always their fashion style and choice, some ladies just love high heels and there's nothing that can stop them from wearing high heels.

Like I said, whether you like high heels or not, as a lady, you may sometimes need to wear high heels.

I wear high heels, oh yes, I do, even with a height of almost 6 feet I still do, though not extremely high and I wear heels mostly for formal occasions and official reasons, not all the time.

In this article, we shall see some of the advantages of having and wearing high heels.


• Enhance confidence :

Ladies that usually wear high heels knows this, the feelings of doubt about your appearance usually disappear when you are in heels. Imagine if you need to meet one of the dignitaries around, with heels, your appearance confidence gets elevated.

• Protection :

High heels protects the feet from harmful, sharp and discomfort objects on the surface of the ground.

• Heels make us look more attractive :

Yes, there is no controversy about this, when you are wearing heels you look more pleasing and showy.

• Learning proper way of sitting :

 I have noticed that whenever I'm wearing heels I comport myself the more when sitting. Heels help with this, and I'm sure you have also noticed this one time or the other.

• Elevates one's height :

One of the major reasons why short people like high heels is that, it raises their height, you are beautiful, intelligent, knowledgeable but you can't contest for beauty pageant because you are not tall or you are a model but because you are not tall your job is usually restricted to some roles, high heels can help here, they can lift you and also make you look elegant.


• Positive changes in gait :

Apparently this is one of the reasons I like high heels, your manner of walking changes positively, there are some ladies I know very well, once they are in flats it would be obvious that the shape of their legs is not appealing and when they walk in flats they look unattractive even if they are facially beautiful. When these kind of ladies wear high heels, just check them out, you will observe that they will look better and more beautiful.

• Men get easily attracted to you while in heels :

Of course, you look elegant and more attractive, due to the elegancy, a man with low self-esteem will even find it difficult to approach you, you would probably be left with the real men with self-assurance and confidence ( sure, woman needs a man like this).

There is this negative fame for heels because it usually lead to injury after a prolonged use.

How can we avoid this injury?

• Choose comfortable heels

• Choose the right size shoe

• You can carry flat shoes along with you so that you can change when heels starts inconveniencing you.

• Stretch your feet after you take off your heels.

• Don't wear heels at home

• When you are in the car or at the office (your desk) you can take your heels off in the car or take them off under your desk at work and when you need to walk around, wear them again.

Finally, I think everyone should have a choice and no one should enforce a kind of shoe on the other person.

If you like flats, rock flats.

If you are comfortable with heels, rock heels.

Choice and comfortability matters, choose wisely.

Related : How Ladies should dress for Job Interview

How to choose a perfect wedding dress


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