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Home science overview

     Oftentimes, I have seen undergraduates especially the new students in universities and colleges complaining they  do not know much about the course they ar e studying i.e Home science. You do not know much about your course of study? Then why did you apply for it in the first place? They give several reasons - My father asked me to study it, my friend is in second year in the same department and he/she brags about the course and I thought it's good, my sister said it's lucrative e.t.c      Some of them just find themselves studying the course one way or the other but they become discourage when people tell them - Home science is just about cooking and maybe taking care of the house. However, home science is more than cooking and housekeeping.      Home science is a interdisciplinary field of knowledge i.e a course that is closely related to many other disciplines, such as hygiene, food and nutrition, dietetics, chemistry, biology, physics, biochemistry, human