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Showing posts with the label Education

How to promote your business on TikTok

Learn how to promote your brand and make money through TikTok Ads.  It’s a dynamic and speedy community, but if you want your brand to get known by the right people, the TikTok Ad Manager can help. Just like Facebook advertising system, TikTok has Managers too. Who is a TikTok Ad Manager and how can you get one? Continue reading to learn more. Advertising is an important part of social media, and TikTok is one of the social media platforms. I believe you are reading this because you want to know how you can go about TikTok Ads  TikTok Manager; makes perfect sure that freelancers are giving the best possible contents to people. Also manages content ideation, posting, social media executives and the TikTok community.  Just like TikTok Pulse, TikTok Branded Mission renders openness for creators, they can view vividly how much fund they’ll gather if their video is selected to run as an ad. TikTok Branded Mission is usable for creators with more than 1,000 followers that are above the age o

Education in Marriage : Should Couple have the same level of Education?

Education is not just the act of acquiring knowledge, it is also an "enlightening experience". Education has become one of the significant signs of life results such as income, social status and employment. It is a unique predictor of "attitudes and well being". When couple have similar level of education, their interests and attitudes are more likely to be similar. When you both have different level of education however, your attitudes and interests may be quite different, for instance, you may like being intellectually challenged and your partner do not just care. Things like this may eventually lead to issues in your marriage because conflict of interests in many ways of your life may arise. As at today, some men still believe that when a woman's level of education is lower, she will be easy to handle and control, the question is - Do you really need a kind of wife you will have 100% total control over her life at this era?  If you ask me, the

Difference between Profession and Career

Are you often confused when it comes to differentiating between Profession and Career? If yes, this article will clear your doubt and confusion. Profession : This means "any" type of work that requires special training or skill, usually one that is respected because it involves a high level of education. Career: Career is an occupation performed by a person at a particular period of the person's life and with opportunities for progress. Profession usually require formal qualifications, profession is what you are skilled on, what you studied which major on education and training. The person who carries out his/her profession i.e what he/she has been trained for is known as a "Professional", for instance, someone who studied Accounting becomes a professional once he/she start working as an Accountant. Practicing your own profession (what you are skilled on) also means you have chosen a "career" that is about your profession. Car

Food Science and Technology vs Nutrition and Dietetics : Know the difference

I have noticed people often use these terms interchangeably, but is it proper to use them interchangeably? Perhaps you are always confused about the differences between these courses. I think you are on the right track in clearing your doubt as  I (the writer of this article) have a diploma in Food Science and Technology and I also hold a degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. Can you now see I'm qualified to clear your doubt and confusions? Get a brandable domain name for your business today!!! Nutrition : Nutrition is the process by which nutrients and the substances in food interacts with one another so as to be useful for growth, repair, metabolism, reproduction, maintenance of health and management of diseases. Dietetics : This is the application of knowledge of nutrition to human diet in order to maintain good health and to manage illness and diseases. Food science : This is the application of basic science and engineering to study the chemical, microbiological, bioch

Difference between home science (Nutrition and dietetics specialization) and Nutrition and dietetics Major

       Nutrition is the process by which nutrients and other substances in food interact with one another after absorption, in order to be useful for growth, repair, metabolism, reproduction, maintenance of health and management of diseases.      Dietetics on the other hand, is the application of the knowledge of nutrition to human diet (diet is the total food eaten by an individual) in order to maintain good quality health and manage illnesses and diseases.     Home science or family and consumer science is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge which the objective is at achieving the proper maintenance of individuals, family and society well-being. I previously wrote a detail article about  Home science . To understand this article, let's first explain the meaning of Degree specialization and Major degree. Download interesting books, novels, storybooks and movies • Degree specialization or concentration : This is usually in between a degree program and a specific

Home science overview

     Oftentimes, I have seen undergraduates especially the new students in universities and colleges complaining they  do not know much about the course they ar e studying i.e Home science. You do not know much about your course of study? Then why did you apply for it in the first place? They give several reasons - My father asked me to study it, my friend is in second year in the same department and he/she brags about the course and I thought it's good, my sister said it's lucrative e.t.c      Some of them just find themselves studying the course one way or the other but they become discourage when people tell them - Home science is just about cooking and maybe taking care of the house. However, home science is more than cooking and housekeeping.      Home science is a interdisciplinary field of knowledge i.e a course that is closely related to many other disciplines, such as hygiene, food and nutrition, dietetics, chemistry, biology, physics, biochemistry, human

All you need to know about Housemaster/Housemistress role

     A Housemaster(male)/House mistress(female) is a member of staff in charge of overall activities in a boarding house. The housemaster/housemistress is responsible for the supervision, management and care of boarders in the boarding house and he/she typically resides on the boarding house premises.      Housemaster/house mistress is also called houseparent, dormitory parent, housefather/housemother. Sometimes when husband and wife share the duty, they are referred to as houseparents. Housemaster- care for male boarders Housemistress- care for female boarders. We shall majorly use the term "Houseparent" in this article.      The houseparent is responsible for duties, ranging from everyday basic maintenance, organizational duties and personal care and monitoring of  the boarders. The major responsibility is to care for the boarders' well-being, he/she accomplish this by guiding, supporting and advising the boarders. Depending on the number of the students in th

The meaning of guest, contract/ contractual and a part-time lecturer and the difference between them.

     You might have asked yourself as a tertiary institution student - why are some of my lecturers looking better and organised than others? Why are some more comfortable compared to others who are not also newly employed? Or as a job seeker you get a job advert for the post of contract or part-time lecturer and you wonder what makes the difference among these set and permanent/ regular lecturer. Here is the answer to your question/questions. - A guest lecturer is a professional or an expert who may lecture one or two classes on his profession. They are not usually academics, they do it due to passion and status, they have immense knowledge of their field. They are needed for a specialist skill which can not be met through a permanent staff, for instance, a professional lawyer may be employed as a guest lecturer to teach business law in school of management or employed to teach food law in the department of food science or department of Nutrition. They usually get a gift payment n