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Difference between a stripper and a nude model

     When we hear "stripper", what comes to our mind is stripping naked...oh yes, strippers  take their clothes off so as to entertain people (mostly and under normal condition - opposite sex) but not all of them actually strip naked. Strippers are usually required to cover their genitals and nipples ( wearing a kind of bikini) . Although, these days, we have "topless strippers" and "complete nude strippers" too ( common in America and Europe ). Topless strippers only cover their genitals while nude strippers are naked. Stripper can be referred to as an attractive person (mostly female) that dance rhythmically to music in a strip club in other to entertain customers, they dance for the customers on the public stage to be a good performer, they can also entertain custumer in person by giving him a lap dance or a private/room dance. Customers are not always allowed to touch them, unless the dancer holds the customer's hand and places it where th

All you need to know about Housemaster/Housemistress role

     A Housemaster(male)/House mistress(female) is a member of staff in charge of overall activities in a boarding house. The housemaster/housemistress is responsible for the supervision, management and care of boarders in the boarding house and he/she typically resides on the boarding house premises.      Housemaster/house mistress is also called houseparent, dormitory parent, housefather/housemother. Sometimes when husband and wife share the duty, they are referred to as houseparents. Housemaster- care for male boarders Housemistress- care for female boarders. We shall majorly use the term "Houseparent" in this article.      The houseparent is responsible for duties, ranging from everyday basic maintenance, organizational duties and personal care and monitoring of  the boarders. The major responsibility is to care for the boarders' well-being, he/she accomplish this by guiding, supporting and advising the boarders. Depending on the number of the students in th

The meaning of guest, contract/ contractual and a part-time lecturer and the difference between them.

     You might have asked yourself as a tertiary institution student - why are some of my lecturers looking better and organised than others? Why are some more comfortable compared to others who are not also newly employed? Or as a job seeker you get a job advert for the post of contract or part-time lecturer and you wonder what makes the difference among these set and permanent/ regular lecturer. Here is the answer to your question/questions. - A guest lecturer is a professional or an expert who may lecture one or two classes on his profession. They are not usually academics, they do it due to passion and status, they have immense knowledge of their field. They are needed for a specialist skill which can not be met through a permanent staff, for instance, a professional lawyer may be employed as a guest lecturer to teach business law in school of management or employed to teach food law in the department of food science or department of Nutrition. They usually get a gift payment n

How ladies should dress for a job interview

Have you ever wondered how to dress to an interview? Although virtual interview is becoming so common these days, however, it does not stop some companies from the traditional way of running an interview. Some job posts demand the management to see you in person too, it might be for many reasons;   To have an idea how active you are, to see how you carry yourself, to have an idea about how you look and more. Here are some tips for you if you need to attend a physical interview, remember, the way you dress to an interviewer matters a lot. - Suit skirt/trouser - Bright coloured shirt should be worn under or low neck top ( without revealing your cleavages). The suit should be a plain one with cool colour e.g black, navy blue or brown colour. - Dress and Jacket - This simply means a short gown with a jacket, the gown should be a cool coloured gown while the jacket should be a little bright e.g brown gown will suit cream jacket. You can also reverse it, when the gown is a bit light i