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Showing posts with the label fruit benefit

Health benefit of fruits and the right time to eat fruits

        In a layman's language, fruit is the fleshy seed associated structures of a plant that are sweet or sour and consumable in the raw form e.g pawpaw, apples, bananas strawberries, grapes, oranges e.t.c. Botanically, a fruit means the seeds bearing structure in flowering plants (otherwise called angiosperms), which is formed from the ovary after flowering. Fruits are means of disseminating seeds by angiosperms. Symbiotic relationship occur between animals, humans and fruits as a means of seed dispersal and nutrition. As we know, many animals and humans depend on fruits as a source of food. Base on botanical usage, "fruit" includes: tomatoes, wheat grain, corn kernels, bean pods and many other structures that are not marjorly and commonly called "fruits".      Observational studies have shown that eating more fruits and vegetables makes one have a lower risk of various diseases. Majority of the studies and research work combine the discussion about