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Health benefit of fruits and the right time to eat fruits

      In a layman's language, fruit is the fleshy seed associated structures of a plant that are sweet or sour and consumable in the raw form e.g pawpaw, apples, bananas strawberries, grapes, oranges e.t.c.

Botanically, a fruit means the seeds bearing structure in flowering plants (otherwise called angiosperms), which is formed from the ovary after flowering.

Fruits are means of disseminating seeds by angiosperms. Symbiotic relationship occur between animals, humans and fruits as a means of seed dispersal and nutrition. As we know, many animals and humans depend on fruits as a source of food.
Base on botanical usage, "fruit" includes: tomatoes, wheat grain, corn kernels, bean pods and many other structures that are not marjorly and commonly called "fruits".

     Observational studies have shown that eating more fruits and vegetables makes one have a lower risk of various diseases. Majority of the studies and research work combine the discussion about fruits and vegetable, but in this article, we shall focus majorly on fruits.

Fruits are generally healthy whole foods. Fruits are loaded with fiber, water, vitamins and minerals.
• Fiber : Fiber helps control blood sugar level.
- Soluble fiber may help slow body breakdown of carbohydrates and the absorption of sugar.
- Research shows that those eating a high fiber diet have a 40% lower risk of heart diseases.
- Fiber also helps in weight loss and management, significantly among obese people.
- It helps relief irritable bowel syndrome e.t.c

• Water : Fruit infused water or fruit flavoured water also known as Detox water is the water that has been infused with the flavours of fresh fruits, vegetables or herbs.
- Detox water helps in hydration
- It improves digestion
- It improve complexion
- Aid weight loss
- It eliminates body toxins
- It boost your energy.

• Vitamins : Though, there are different types of vitamins found in different fruits, but we shall list general health benefits of vitamins in this article.
- Vitamins support healthy metabolism
- It promotes healthy immune system
- It promotes healthy growth and reproduction
- It promotes clear vision
- It reduces risk of chronic diseases
- It could reduce Blood Uric Acid level and prevent Gout attacks
- It promotes healthy teeth.

• Minerals : There are two kinds of minerals : macro minerals and trace minerals, the two kinds could be found in fruits, and the two are useful in our body system, but relatively large amount of macro minerals are needed in the body system. The macro minerals include : calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium e.t.c
- Calcium boosts bone health, relieves arthritis, improves dental health, and also lowers high blood pressure. It is important in the management of obesity, heart and kidney disorders.
 - Phosphorus reduces muscle weakness and boost brain function.
- Potassium reduces blood vessel tension and ensures the proper distribution of oxygen to vital organ systems.
- Sodium maintains water balance and relief muscle cramps.

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• It should be noted that, some of these vitamins and minerals are good "Antioxidants" : which are substances that can prevent or slow cell damage caused by free radicals, unstable molecules that this body produces as a reaction to environmental and other pressure's. They are also known as free radical scavengers.
     Vitamins such as vitamin A, C, E and Minerals such as Zinc, selenium and copper are Antioxidants.

From what is explained above, we can see that fruits are generally healthy and important in our daily diet.
 When is the right time to eat fruits?
I have noticed this question always cause argument among people, but as a qualified Nutritionist, I would like to tell you that you can eat fruit at any time, I mean, at all times.
There are lots of false information circulating around about the best time to eat fruit ; the worse and most funny of the false information is - Avoid eating fruit before or after a meal as it reduces nutrients and may cause some disorder... What? I'm yet to know who invented this false and misleading information.
However, this information is false as I have claimed earlier. Read more on food misconceptions here

The body is efficient in term of extracting nutrients from food. The stomach is the storage of food eaten, it releases only small amounts of food at a period for easy digestion in the intestine.
According to research, the intestines have the power to absorb twice the nutrients of what an individual eats daily. The small intestine can absorb as many nutrients as possible due to how it is designed.
It is over 30 square meters (320 square feet) and up to 6 meters (20 feet) in length of absorptive area.
This lengthy and large absorptive area simply means that getting nutrients from all types of food including fruit is not a big deal for the digestive system, irrespective of when fruit is consumed ( be it before or after meal, immediately after the meal or giving some gap in between the meal and the fruit or even consuming it together with the meal).
  Finally, fruit helps prevent and manage chronic diseases and illness, protect and activate your immune system, help in food digestion, help in hydration, boost bone health, fruits also serves as powerful antioxidant and many more.
     Therefore, it is good  to always consume fruits and feel free to consume it at any convenient time.

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Related : Health benefits of Banana

Health benefits of Apples



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