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Banana : health benefits

 Banana is one of the most nutritious and medicinal fruits which is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and fibre, regardless of not being listed among the top hydrating fruits, a large ripe banana still supply around 75 - 80% water per 100g. A banana is said to contain only 90 calories, making it a healthy snack.

Banana plant is perennial, because it normally go through asexual reproduction ; the asexual reproduction here, can also be referred to as vegetative reproduction. The lateral shoot that develops from the rhizome and emerges from soil which is usually near the parent plant is called "Sucker".

          Health benefit of Banana include : 

- It fight anaemia : Banana is a good source of iron, making it good for anaemia patients. When there is decrease in the number of red blood cells, a person is said to be suffering from anaemia. The vitamin B6 in banana also help in the production of red blood cell.

- It reduces the problem of gout and arthritis : The alkalizing effect of banana neutralizes and eliminates the excess of Uric Acid, thus, reduces the problem of gout and arthritis.

- It helps in the management of heart diseases : Individuals taking medicine for heart diseases need greater supply of potassium which is present in bananas. Two large bananas provides 1000mg of potassium, which is more than the normal requirement.

- It lowers blood pressure : Banana is good source of potassium. Potassium can help reduce the effect of sodium on blood pressure, a large banana supplies 500mg ( it could be more depending on the size ) of potassium and nearly absence of sodium - about 1 milligram.

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" It should be noted that some medications used in the treatment of heart diseases and hypertension possess the power to raise potassium levels e.g Losartan, Lisonopril and Labetol. Therefore, it is important to consult your dietitian concerning the balance between the potassium rich food intake and these medications".

- The fibre in banana make it a good fruit that aids digestion, help in building up metabolism, promotes regular bowel movement and lower cholesterol and blood sugar level.

Potassium also help maintain fluid levels and regulates the movement of nutrients in and out of cells.

     Other nutrients present in banana and their benefits include : 

•Vitamin B6 - which help metabolize amino acids and also cleans the kidneys and liver by removing unwanted chemicals present in them.

•Vitamin C - which activates immune system and also act as powerful antioxidant.

•Folate - Which help the body to make DNA and other genetic materials.

•Vitamin A - which help in the maintenance and formation of bones, teeth and soft tissues.

•Magnesium - which is required in oxygen production and help maintain the health of muscle.


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