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Apples: Health Benefits

Apples are popular healthy fruits, the healthy reasons to eat them are many. In this article, we shall discuss the crucial benefits of apples.

Apples contain polyphenols, which have antioxidant effects. Many of the polyphenols and fiber are present in the peels. So ensure you consume your apple together with the peel.

Polyphenols are divided into two subtypes :

- Flavonoids
- Non-flavonoids

The two are healthy.

Polyphenols include :

- Chlorogenic acid : This a good antioxidant for people that wants to lose weight, it helps in metabolism, slows the absorption of fat.

-Epicatechin : This is an antioxidant that has the ability of improving insulin and can improve diabetes and heart health.

-Phloretin : A type of flavonoid that is found in all types of apple.

-Quercetin glycoside : This could help maintain blood pressure, blood sugar and attack atherosclerosis.

Natural and Safe product to maintain normal blood pressure

Antioxidants varies in different types of apples. Although the variance will not differ in extreme. Therefore the health benefits of apples in this article is general health benefits to all type of apples.

Benefits of Apples

• Helps in prevention and management of Cancer : Flavonoids, phytochemicals, triterpenoids have been tested to prove that some compounds are present in apples that are good for cancer prevention and treatment, by shrinking tumours and preventing the development of cancerous cells.

• Helps prevent heart diseases : Apples have been linked to a lower risk of heart disease. It might be because apples contain soluble fiber. Soluble fiber help lower the level of LDL cholesterol ( known as bad cholesrerol). A study found that flavonoids present in apples also prevent heart diseases. Regular consumption of apples can help in the prevention and
management of heart diseases.

Safe product to lower bad cholesterol levels

•  Prevention of diabetes : Apples are sources of anthocyanins, which is great for preventing and managing Type 2 diabetes. Anthocyanins are shown to increase the production of insulin, which regulate blood sugar level.

Natural and Safe product that helps in management of diabetes

• Helps prevent allergic reactions : Apples are good source of Quercetin, which is a kind of antioxidant that is greatly active as an anti-allergic substance. Ancient Chinese medicine used quercetin extracts to prevent allergic reactions from foods. Quercertin has proven to be as effective as some pharmaceutical medicines.
Note : This can only be effective if you are not allergic to apples themselves.

• Help us breathe better : Apples are active bronchodilators, quercetin seems to act as a bronchodilator making it easy for the passage ways in the lungs to breathe in and out. Antioxidant that is capable to prevent respiratory diseases is also present in apple . A study has shown that pregnant women who consume apples regularly are less likely to give birth to children at risk of developing Asthma.

• Boost mental health : Apples help in the production of acetylcholine, which is a neurotransmitter that is crucial in the brain's communication. Research has shown that, apples boost memory in mice both with and without symtoms of diminishing brain disease.

• Helps in preventing and managing inflammation : Flavonoids in apples are anti inflammatory agents. This is capable of lowering the occurrence of numerous diseases related to inflammation e g stroke, cancer and immune deficiencies.

Without an iota of doubt, I hope you now know why apple is an essential fruit.

Eat it, it is good for your health.


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