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The ideal age gap for a lasting marriage

Is age really nothing but a number? Of course I would say yes when it comes to life accomplishments but when it comes to marriage, I think age may be more than a number.

Survey has shown that men usually desire a younger partner, even at that, we all know that having a younger and attractive partner does not guarantee a lasting marriage.

There is usually decrease in marital satisfaction at long run for partners whose age gap is wide compare to those with small age gaps or same age.

Research has shown that the wider the age gap between couple, the more likely they are to get divorced.

The study found that - One year gap in the age of couple make them 3 percent more likely to divorce when compared to their same aged fellow, then, when the age gap is up to 5 years the chances of divorce rise to 18 percent, with a 10 year difference it rises to 39 percent and when it's up to a 20 year age gap, the chances of divorce rise to 95 percent.

In view of this, it is better to marry someone your own age.

Reasons why same age counterpart could be the best 

• Same life experience :

Older people tend to see things from their own view alone, though, in some cases, they may be right, especially when it comes to giving advise but when it comes to other issues, they hardly believe that changes really occur in almost all angles of life and that the earth rotates with everything in it ( though not all of them). In terms of argument, you can easily reach compromise when both of you are same age, but if your partner is much older than you, be ready to face thorough challenge in this aspect as he/she could most time act like your master instead of a companion. If you are same age, you may not have to face this challenge.

• Similar phase in life :

This will give you the opportunity to plan together ( both of you may even have a similar plan) this will prompt the easy attainment of your goals in life. When couple are in different phases in life, it may be difficult to reconcile each other's needs and goals.

• You may have more mutual friends:

You have the tendencies to socialize together as both of you will find it easy to integrate into your respective friendship group. That's definitely going to be fun.

• You could be best of friends :

You will be more open to each other, making it easy to see your partner as someone you can always confied in, rather than  finding a confidant outside your marriage.

• You could have a equal partnership :

 Marriage is about equal partnership, a man/woman your own age has previously lived his/her own life. You can challenge each other and support each other, rather than taking on a mentor's role which may not please the other person.

• Same cultural references :

Perhaps you will have a common view about the world. A man of 40 years could see latest hip hops as trash while a woman of 25 years could see old raggae as outdated. One may get pissed when the other is enjoying what he/she likes.

You want a marriage that would last?  Try to marry someone your own age.

Couples with same age ( born same year irrespective of months difference) still experience divorces. Of course, statistics are forecasters not fate. We have to remind ourselves that age is not necessarily an index of marriage success or failure. There are more factors to consider before stepping into marriage.

A large age gap between a couple is not a dictator of the failure of the marriage as there are many other factors to put into consideration, among which are:

- Care, trust and commitment
- How much can they support each other's dream so as to achieve their goals in life?
-  Common beliefs, values, morals between partners.
- Mutual ways of solving problems.

These factors above doesn't relate much to age. This implies that, so far couples are ready to work their relationship out with the required efforts to be able to constantly ply a single route, age shouldn't be an issue.

Related : Social class in marriage : Does it really matter?

Cross-cultural marriage : All you need to know


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