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Showing posts with the label health benefits of apples

Apples: Health Benefits

Apples are popular healthy fruits, the healthy reasons to eat them are many. In this article, we shall discuss the crucial benefits of apples. Apples contain polyphenols, which have antioxidant effects. Many of the polyphenols and fiber are present in the peels. So ensure you consume your apple together with the peel. Polyphenols are divided into two subtypes : - Flavonoids - Non-flavonoids The two are healthy. Polyphenols include : - Chlorogenic acid : This a good antioxidant for people that wants to lose weight, it helps in metabolism, slows the absorption of fat. -Epicatechin : This is an antioxidant that has the ability of improving insulin and can improve diabetes and heart health. -Phloretin : A type of flavonoid that is found in all types of apple. -Quercetin glycoside : This could help maintain blood pressure, blood sugar and attack atherosclerosis. Natural and Safe product to maintain normal blood pressure Antioxidants varies in different types of app