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Jim Yong Kim declares resignation as World Bank Group president

Jim Yong Kim, the president of World Bank Group declared on Monday (7-1-2019) that he will be stepping down as the president of World Bank Group soon. He said - I will be stepping down as World Bank Group President on February 1. It's been the greatest privilege I could have ever imagined to lead the dedicated staff of this great institution to bring us closer to a world that is free of poverty. " The work of the World Bank Group is more important now than ever as the aspiration of the poor increase throughout the world, and issues like famine, refugees, pandemics and climate change continue to increase in their scale and complexity. Serving as president and helping place the institution in the middle of all these challenges has been a great privilege" Jim Yong Kim became World Bank President in year 2012 and was re-elected for five years second term in 2017. Kim is supposed to remain in his position until 2022. Kim declared that he will be joining a firm and