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Billionaire Bill Gates was seen on queue at a local burger shop

The American billionaire was sighted waiting with his hands in his pockets for his burger order on Sunday. "When you are worth about $100,000,000,000, you run the largest charity in the world history and queue for Coke, Fries and Burger at Dick's just like the rest of us..." The picture was captioned by Galos and immediately, it went viral. Mike Galos, a Microsoft alum, former Microsoft employee who posted the photo to a closed alumni board page on Facebook on Tuesday, further stated that, "This is how real rich people behave unlike the gold toilet seat wannabe poser in the White House", that's a punch at President Donald Trump right? The picture was taken in the Wallingford neighborhood of Seattle on Sunday evening. The picture has ranked up to 15,000 likes and 12,000 shares. "Bill Gates is generally friendly and understands he is a bit of a celebrity...I have chatted with him at parties before but on the street or in a restaurant I don&