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Showing posts with the label relationship

Interfaith Marriage : how to handle religious differences

Interfaith marriage is the marriage between two people with different religions. In an Interfaith Marriage, both partners usually practice their respective religion. This is different from a situation where one of the couple has converted to the religion of the other. Interfaith marriage may be a kind of "mixed marriage" , however, it is different from interracial and cross-cultural marriage  (which are also known as "mixed marriage"). Couple in interracial marriage may share the same faith likewise couple from different cultural backgrounds. However, couple in interfaith marriage may share the same cultural and racial backgrounds. Marriage is a formally recognized union of two people as partners. Usually we have differences as individuals, therefore, marriage in most cases comes with challenges and we need to make some sacrifices and have some level of understanding to overcome these challenges. The challenges may be tougher when couple are not f

Education in Marriage : Should Couple have the same level of Education?

Education is not just the act of acquiring knowledge, it is also an "enlightening experience". Education has become one of the significant signs of life results such as income, social status and employment. It is a unique predictor of "attitudes and well being". When couple have similar level of education, their interests and attitudes are more likely to be similar. When you both have different level of education however, your attitudes and interests may be quite different, for instance, you may like being intellectually challenged and your partner do not just care. Things like this may eventually lead to issues in your marriage because conflict of interests in many ways of your life may arise. As at today, some men still believe that when a woman's level of education is lower, she will be easy to handle and control, the question is - Do you really need a kind of wife you will have 100% total control over her life at this era?  If you ask me, the

Cross-Cultural Marriage : All you need to know

People usually wonder what it's like for couple to have different cultural backgrounds. Perhaps you have found that special partner, your charming prince/princess, the person you would love to spend the rest of your life with but you are both from different cultural backgrounds, then, this article is for you. To really understand this article, let's explain culture itself. Culture is "learned" and socially transmitted behaviors and norms found in human societies. Culture is transmitted from one generation to another. Cultures are greatly influenced through dealings between societies, which may led to  social changes in cultural practices. Basic elements of culture are : • Language •Values • Norms • Beliefs • Symbol • Cognitive element Language : This is the means of communication and a means to convey information from one individual to another. Language varies from culture to culture and it is passed from one generation to another. Language is t

Social Class In Marriage. Does it really matter?

Social class refer to group of people who are involved in similar positions in the economic system of production, usually having corresponding levels of power and wealth. Often times, we see movies where cross-class relationships will eventually end in marriage after the initial disapproval  "mostly" by the upper class parents, but after the couple's struggle and all, they end up getting married and the movie tells us - "happily ever after". The truth is, the end of the movie is usually the beginning of the journey in real life. If we have a situation like this in real life, can the couple truly live happily ever after? The fact is, in most occasions - They don't. Social class involves a set of standards and values and these standards and values will ultimately be transferred to the offspring. Most people think their standard is satisfactory and significant than that of others. Couple from different social class often view basic and vital issue

Rhesus Factor and Incompatibility : What You Need To Know

Rhesus factor also known as Rh factor is described as an antigen that is present on the surface of red blood cells in most individuals. Individual who possess the Rh positive blood type e.g A positive, O positive, AB positive, are said to be rhesus positive while those with negative symbol are said to be rhesus negative. Rhesus factor is inherited from parents, usually the father. If you are rhesus positive (RhD positive), this implies that the protein (D antigen) is present on the surface of your red blood cells, however, if you lack the D antigen, you will be rhesus negative (RhD negative). Over 75% of humans are rhesus positive. Having Rh negative blood type does not make you unhealthy, apparently, it doesn't affect your health. Rhesus status only become an issue of concern when a woman whose rhesus status is negative get pregnant and the baby she's carrying is rhesus positive, this is known as Rhesus Incompatibility. Commonly, a child inherits the father'

The ideal age gap for a lasting marriage

Is age really nothing but a number? Of course I would say yes when it comes to life accomplishments but when it comes to marriage, I think age may be more than a number. Survey has shown that men usually desire a younger partner, even at that, we all know that having a younger and attractive partner does not guarantee a lasting marriage. There is usually decrease in marital satisfaction at long run for partners whose age gap is wide compare to those with small age gaps or same age. Research has shown that the wider the age gap between couple, the more likely they are to get divorced. The study found that - One year gap in the age of couple make them 3 percent more likely to divorce when compared to their same aged fellow, then, when the age gap is up to 5 years the chances of divorce rise to 18 percent, with a 10 year difference it rises to 39 percent and when it's up to a 20 year age gap, the chances of divorce rise to 95 percent. In view of this, it is better to marry

Genotype : types and compatibility

        Genotype is the genetic constitution of an individual organism, it indicates the certain gene that an individual is carrying. Genotype is part of the genetic makeup of a cell. The red blood cells contains hemoglobin : Hemoglobin is a substance which helps in carrying oxygen to the tissues. Hemoglobin comprise of - Heme and Globin; the heme and globin are two pairs of protein chain. When we have an amino acid substitution, specifically in the globin chain, then certainly, there is an abnormality. Note : Amino acid are the building blocks of protein.      Let's say the chain suppose to consist of amino acid 'D' but it is instead substituted for 'F' at a particular point of the chain, then, there is definitely an error which would lead to abnormality.             Types of genotype - AA :  At the sixth position of both Globin chains, we have 'Glutamate'(Normal) - AC : At the sixth position of one of the Globin chains, we have 'Lysine