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Education in Marriage : Should Couple have the same level of Education?

Education is not just the act of acquiring knowledge, it is also an "enlightening experience".

Education has become one of the significant signs of life results such as income, social status and employment. It is a unique predictor of "attitudes and well being".

When couple have similar level of education, their interests and attitudes are more likely to be similar. When you both have different level of education however, your attitudes and interests may be quite different, for instance, you may like being intellectually challenged and your partner do not just care.

Things like this may eventually lead to issues in your marriage because conflict of interests in many ways of your life may arise.

As at today, some men still believe that when a woman's level of education is lower, she will be easy to handle and control, the question is - Do you really need a kind of wife you will have 100% total control over her life at this era?  If you ask me, the answer will be a big NO.

You need someone who you could be proud of at all times, someone who you will be glad your children inherits her footsteps and lifestyle.

If you marry someone with a very low level of education or an uneducated person, your children will find most of the way of life of your less educated or uneducated partner more easy and trust me, they will think that is the best kind of life and that's how  most of the children would like to live their life also.

Usually, a person's education reflects his/her experience in life, education also affects our way of reasoning. If your life experience ( the kind of people you have moved with, the places you have been, the situations you have encountered ) are all different from that of your partner, how do you intend to have a successful communication and interaction with your partner?

When you are discussing with your partner, it helps if you could be intellectually engaged.

Don't tell me there are smart and intelligent people with little or no education, of course I'm aware this kind of people exists but the question is - Could they be found everywhere to the extent that you can use them in judging the type of person your partner is?

Oftentimes, these smart people we are talking about still normally have some unique indicators that will make it glaring they are not well educated e.g how they dress, the kind of places they prefer living, the way they bring their children up e.t.c

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That being said, you would also want to tell me there are couples that are doing well with different levels of education, yes, I'm also aware, but how many are they? In this case however, how you both work on your differences matters.

If your uneducated or less educated partner is secure and do not have problem with his/her self-esteem, I think the situation could be better. Self-esteem issues commonly arise in this case and it could be worse if the husband is less educated.

If you read it in your partner's actions that he/she believes you are trying to control him/her because you have higher education, even when you are only suggesting some ways of progress, then, there is a problem.

Don't be deceived if you notice your less educated partner frequently tries to turn you or your idea down, you have to know he/she is a person with self-esteem issues.

Although, as a lover, partner, and companion, you don't have to take the role of a master too, because you are not one, but lovers can advice each other and share interests.

When you are suggesting what could turn out well for both of you but your less educated partner is not just ready to see the positive side, then, you should know that is not the kind of person you need to embark on forever journey with.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying your level of education must be the same but if there must be gap, the gap shouldn't be too much".

Another point to consider especially if you are a lady with the higher education is - Is your partner willing to let you grow? Will he be happy to see you progressing? Is he going to be proud of you and your success?

I'm saying this because some partners especially men  feels bad when they see their wife progressing than them, they just don't want to agree that top seats could equally be for women and remember, education can speed the rate of one's progress.

Although, this might happen even if you both have the same level of education but it is more common when the husband is less educated.

Finally, if there is proper understanding between the two of you and you are sure your partner is not insecure and have no self-esteem issues, you also notice that he/she has a pure heart  i.e he/she wouldn't have a problem seeing you progressing.

In addition, he/she has good qualities you would like your children to have as well, then, you can  stick to him/her

Related : The ideal age gap for a lasting marriage

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