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What you need to know about loose Vagina

Vagina is the elastic, muscular tube leading from the external genitals to the cervix of the uterus in women. Vaginas are designed to help us have and enjoy sex, have periods and have babies.

However, there is this popular myth about the vagina which some men strongly believe in, the myth is that vagina becomes wider or looser because a woman regularly have sexual intercourse.

They think vaginal looseness is related to how much sex a woman has had, if you are one of the people that believe in this, I'm here to inform you that it is just a myth and rumour, it is not true.

There is no scientific evidence that shows that frequent sex could result in looser vagina.

First thing you have to understand is that, just as penises vary in sizes from one man to another, so is vagina too. Every vagina is different, vaginas also differ in sizes, shapes and colours.

Perhaps you have noticed that some women usually crave larger penises while some find them painful. The difference in sizes of vagina could be responsible for this.

Therefore, craving larger penis does not imply that a woman is promiscuous, it may just be due to the fact that the vagina is large too which is no big deal.

You also have to know that the vagina is elastic and it is programmed in a way that it can expand and contract. When a woman is ready for intercourse, naturally, the vagina expands and after the intercourse, it goes back to its normal size.

Every time she has sexual intercourse, the vagina experience this same process and it does not remain wide or wider.

Just as your mouth does not become wider after eating, the vagina does not equally become wider after intercourse.

OK, if not sex, what can make a vagina loose?

• Vagina childbirth : Study has shown that vaginal looseness usually occur after delivery. Childbirth can be a major cause of vaginal looseness especially if an instrument like vacuum or forceps is used during delivery.

Expert says the vagina will go back to its normal size after some time, although, may not be 100% the same again and this changes may not really be noticed by men except the particular man has a very small penis.

However, due to episiotomy ( surgical incision) or laceration (tear) during childbirth a woman's vagina may not be able to return to its pre-baby size.

• Age : As we grow and develop from one stage in life to the other, the natural elasticity of some part of the body decreases. This explains why older women may experience vaginal looseness and this may occur in both genders. Experts also explain that this changes may not really be noticed too except for a very small penis.

However, when a woman reach menopause, the entrance of the vagina can contract and tight again if she is not frequently having sex as before.

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According to experts, this tightening is as a result of decreased estrogen production which occurs after menopause.

Indicators for vaginal looseness include :

• Your vagina no longer tightens when turned on
• Difficulty in achieving orgasm
• You no longer satisfy your partner in bed
• Taking in air during sex

Is there any remedy for vagina looseness?

• Yes, Kegel exercise which consists of repeatedly contracting and relaxing the muscles that form part of the pelvic floor is a good exercise that could correct vaginal looseness overtime.

• There are some gels that could help, you may want to check with your pharmacist. 

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