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Honda is closing its British Factory

Many jobs will be put at risk as the Japanese car manufacturing company on Tuesday declared its decision to shut down its plant in Swidon.

Swindon is the Japanese company's only car plant in the European Union. The Japanese company builds 160,000 Honda Civics a year in Swindon.

Greg Clark who is a Business Secretary said  the decision is devastating for United Kingdom.

"The UK is one of the leaders in the development of these technologies and so it is deeply disappointing that this decision has been taken now", Greg said.

"This is a commercial decision based on unprecedented changes in the global market".

A drop in demand for diesel vehicles and tougher emission regulations affected the car industry.

Honda claimed it had informed employees about its proposal to shut down Swindon plant.

"Honda of UK manufacturing has today informed associates of the proposal to close its Swindon manufacturing plant, at the end of the current model's production life cycle, in 2021", this was stated in a statement released by Honda.

However, Honda Senior Vice President for Europe, Ian Howells made it clear that this is not a Brexit-related issue.

"This is not related to Brexit issue, it's being made on the global-related changes", Ian Howells said.

"Although, we were very clear on our Brexit position , we've always seen those as something we will get through", he said.

He said the company would focus its investments in China, U.S. and Japan.

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