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Difference between Profession and Career

Are you often confused when it comes to differentiating between Profession and Career?

If yes, this article will clear your doubt and confusion.

Profession : This means "any" type of work that requires special training or skill, usually one that is respected because it involves a high level of education.

Career: Career is an occupation performed by a person at a particular period of the person's life and with opportunities for progress.

Profession usually require formal qualifications, profession is what you are skilled on, what you studied which major on education and training.

The person who carries out his/her profession i.e what he/she has been trained for is known as a "Professional", for instance, someone who studied Accounting becomes a professional once he/she start working as an Accountant.

Practicing your own profession (what you are skilled on) also means you have chosen a "career" that is about your profession.

Career is a job you do, it could be based on your profession or not. If you studied Computer Science and you end up working as a software developer then, your career is software development (still in your field).If you studied Estate management and you end up being an Actor then, you are an Estate manager by profession but an Actor in term of career.

Career can be based on ambition, talent, passion, motivation, inspiration or commitment. A career is "anything you do for a living".

You can have more than one career at a time such as being an entrepreneur and still work in an organization. Career involves various kind of work performed by a person during his/her life.

Career is the outcome of decisions you take in life, it usually depend on someone's willingness to grow and develop.

Sometimes, career may be as a result of availability ; this means that, you might not have passion for the career you are involved in at a period, it might also not be your profession but the particular career is what you find available at that moment and you have to get involved basically for survival, for instance, you studied Biochemistry making you a Biochemist by profession and you are passionate about dancing (being a Dancer). Due to nonavailability of job position in any of these fields, you opt for a Cashier position that is available and requires less skill.

In terms of career - you are a "cashier" for that particular period you are working as a cashier. This is because, that is what you are committed to at that period, you are doing that job with the mind set of growing and adding value to yourself.

People seek opportunities to succeed in their career, they seek to get better position and better pay.

We also have "The Professions" ;  According to English Dictionary, "the professions" are jobs that need special training and skill such as being a doctor or lawyer but not work in business or industry. They are usually governed by a professional body, which states clear the regulations required to be adhered to by all members.

What really differentiate "the professions" is that they have "corporate solidarity".

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• Profession involves skill, knowledge, training and education in order to become an expert in a particular field.

• Career is a job you do which can be based on your profession or not.

• Professional means a member of a profession or any person who earn their living from a specific professional activity. In other words, being a professional means you are actually practicing what you have acquired a particular training and education upon.

• The professions are the kind of  jobs that are governed by professional bodies.

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