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Home science overview

     Oftentimes, I have seen undergraduates especially the new students in universities and colleges complaining they  do not know much about the course they are studying i.e Home science.

You do not know much about your course of study? Then why did you apply for it in the first place? They give several reasons - My father asked me to study it, my friend is in second year in the same department and he/she brags about the course and I thought it's good, my sister said it's lucrative e.t.c
     Some of them just find themselves studying the course one way or the other but they become discourage when people tell them - Home science is just about cooking and maybe taking care of the house. However, home science is more than cooking and housekeeping.
     Home science is a interdisciplinary field of knowledge i.e a course that is closely related to many other disciplines, such as hygiene, food and nutrition, dietetics, chemistry, biology, physics, biochemistry, human or child development, resource management, clothing and textile, sociology, apparel designing, home management, public health, food service management, microbiology, extension and communication, community development, economics, agriculture and others. Home science can also be referred to as family and consumer science, domestic science or human science in some schools.

     Home science objective is to achieve the proper maintenance of human, family and society well-being, therefore, home science is not limited to duties at home but also society at large, making it a challenging profession.

There are lots of job prospect after home science program.

          Five major specializations in home science:

1. Nutrition and dietetics
2. Resource management
3. Clothing and apparel design
4. Community development extension
5. Human development

     There may be other specializations because it's a broad field but these five are the most common and major ones.
          Career in Home science

Now, where are the places you can work with your specialization?
Nutrition and dietetics :

- Consultant in hospital,maternity homes and slimming centers.
- Food service supervisor/manager in tourism, resort, hospitality and service industry which include hotels and restaurants.
- Housemaster/housemistress in boarding house
- Food analyst and quality control supervisor in food manufacturing industries
- Research

I wrote a detail article about Home science in relation to Nutrition and Dietetics. Read it here - Home science specialization and Nutrition and Dietetics major

Resource management :

- Administrative manager
- Finance manager
- Production manage
- Human resource specialist
- Training and development manager

Clothing and Apparel design :

- Fashion instructor
- Garment technologist
- Fashion designer
- Textile designer
- Garment sales
- Fashion writer/journalist

Community development extension :

- Community health extension specialist
- Public health extension specialist
- Agricultural extension specialist
- Health extension journalist
- Research

Human development :

- Public relation officer
- Counseling
- social work
- Research

Note : They can all teach in their respective field.

Would you like to study home science? Go ahead as there are better offers waiting for you.

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Related : Food science and technology vs nutrition and dietetics

• Difference between Home Science (Nutrition) specialization and Nutrition and Dietetics major


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