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Bronchitis : what you need to know about it

     Bronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchial tubes (bronchi) in the lungs. Bronchial tube is the major airway of the lungs i.e  it is responsible for carrying air to and from the lungs. People with Bronchitis do not have much ability to breathe in air and oxygen into their lungs.

Bronchitis may be acute or chronic, it is common in winter and during raining season.

     In case of acute bronchitis, bronchitis will naturally clear up after short period (few days) without medical treatment. Acute bronchitis is common in children, in more than 90% of cases, the cause is viral infection, a small number of cases are caused by some bacteria. It is a short-term bronchitis condition.

Chronic bronchitis is a productive cough that often lead to dry cough ( if not treated on time) and usually last for three or more months per year for at least two years. It is common in adult, it is often known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Breath shortening and wheezing is more common in chronic bronchitis because of inflamed airways.

In a nut shell ; Acute bronchitis is a short-term bronchitis condition while Chronic bronchitis is a long-term bronchitis condition.

          Causes of bronchitis

• Tobacco smoking
• Exposure to air pollution
• Genetic (you should suspect this once you are experiencing repeated cases of acute bronchitis from childhood to puberty or adult stage).
• Exposure to fumes
• Exposure to dust
• It could be triggered by stress
• Exposure to cold weather

It is usually caused by viral infection.

          Symptoms of bronchitis

Bronchitis usually start with running nose, blocked nose, sore throat, productive cough followed by fever, then after some days the cough becomes dry which may result in production of mucus that could be yellowish-gray, white or green in colour.

Other symptoms include:

• Breath shortening or breathlessness
• Aches and pains
• Fatigue
• Wheezing

          Diagnosis of bronchitis

     Test should be carried out in order to diagnose bronchitis because all it common symptoms may be related to another lung and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.

Blood testing, chest X-ray and lung function testing are tests to be conducted.

          Treatment of bronchitis

•  Bronchodilators
• Anti-inflammatory drugs
• Steroids
• Pain relief drug
• Antibiotics
• Vaccination
• Long-term oxygen
• Lung transplantation

     Chronic bronchitis may not be reversible but it could be managed by medications, good diet and much rest. Hence, the goal of treatment is to improve the quality of life and avoid further complications. It could persist for a very long time, thus, resist every other treatment, when this happens - Lung transplantation becomes the last and final treatment option.

           Dietary management of bronchitis : 

Eat onions regularly or add it to your meal frequently - The decongestant properties make it effective against bronchitis.
• Fruit and Green leafy vegetables - The antioxidant present in these protects damage of cells.

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• Drink enough fluid as this help prevent dehydration and thins lung mucus, making it easier to cough up.
• Eat more of garlic - it contains "allicin" which fight infections that happen due to cold.
• Vitamin C rich foods e.g tomatoes, papaya, sweet potatoes e.t.c - This will assist in enhancing immune system function and help in combats viral illnesses and allergy - related conditions.

          Other remedies include : 

Using warm mist humidifier
• Plenty rest
• Pulmonary rehabilitation
• Stop smoking (very important)
• Avoid dust, fume and air pollutants
• Avoid drinking chilled drinks and eating cold food
• Avoid stress.

     Although, bronchitis could be treated at home, but should also be noted that you have to consult a doctor if :

- You are becoming drowsy or confused
- You are coughing up mucus with blood
- You have existing lung or heart condition
- Cough is lasting for many weaks
- You have constant fever

     Survey has shown that exposure to passive occupational materials such as fabric fibres, grain dust, strong acid, chlorine and ammonia, contributes to bronchitis. Also, passive smoke at home and inhaling dust from the environment, residing very close to a busy road, residing or working close to or in a diesel - burning power plant, do contribute to the risk of chronic bronchitis.

Related : Hypertension (high blood pressure)

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