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Showing posts with the label beauty

Women's Swimsuit

Swimsuit or swimwear is an apparel which is structured for individuals involving in water-related events, be it for the purpose of sport or for pleasure such as surfing, swimming and diving. There are different types and designs of swimsuits. You may choose the type you like, however, it is important to consider your body shape and size. Your choice may also depend on how covered or how fashionable you would like to look. TYPES OF SWIMSUITS • One-piece : This kind of swimsuit offers more coverage to the body, although, some one-piece styles may offer less coverage but choosing a less coverage one would be a matter of fashion and style. • Two-piece : This is also known as "bikini", this will only cover the breasts, crotch and sometimes buttocks. There are different types of bikinis which include ; - Microkini : Microkini offers less coverage, it covers the nipples and the genitals. - Tankini : This bathing costume provides more coverage, the top is us

How to choose a perfect wedding dress

Your big day is almost here, you can't just wait for the wonderful day and it's time to go shopping to select that perfect dress. You have to first put some factors into consideration, factors like, the venue and the season of the year in which the wedding would take place, for instance, a light airy fabrics for a beach venue in the summer and you may need to stay warm in the winter.    High neckline, long sleeve wedding dress wouldn't be a bad idea during winter. After considering the location and season, you can start shopping. In order to choose the perfect dress, you need the tips below : • Have a specific budget : You need to have a particular amount in mind, how much do you have to spend? £300 or £2000? You shouldn't spend all your savings on your wedding dress alone, go for what you are conveniently capable of. Of course, you need to get a lovely dress, however, it is also important to consider your pocket. • Go at the appropriate time : You

What you need to know about loose Vagina

Vagina is the elastic, muscular tube leading from the external genitals to the cervix of the uterus in women. Vaginas are designed to help us have and enjoy sex, have periods and have babies. However, there is this popular myth about the vagina which some men strongly believe in, the myth is that vagina becomes wider or looser because a woman regularly have sexual intercourse. They think vaginal looseness is related to how much sex a woman has had, if you are one of the people that believe in this, I'm here to inform you that it is just a myth and rumour, it is not true. There is no scientific evidence that shows that frequent sex could result in looser vagina. First thing you have to understand is that, just as penises vary in sizes from one man to another, so is vagina too. Every vagina is different, vaginas also differ in sizes, shapes and colours. Perhaps you have noticed that some women usually crave larger penises while some find them painful. The difference

Why you may need high heels

High heels refers to shoes that have obvious elevated heels compared with the toe. We have heard a lot about high heel shoes, medically, high heels might have some negative effects, it also causes discomfort sometimes but most of us may still have a reason to wear heels sometimes in our lifetime. For some, it's always their fashion style and choice, some ladies just love high heels and there's nothing that can stop them from wearing high heels. Like I said, whether you like high heels or not, as a lady, you may sometimes need to wear high heels. I wear high heels, oh yes, I do, even with a height of almost 6 feet I still do, though not extremely high and I wear heels mostly for formal occasions and official reasons, not all the time. In this article, we shall see some of the advantages of having and wearing high heels. WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF WEARING HIGH HEELS? • Enhance confidence : Ladies that usually wear high heels knows this, the feelings of d