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Women's Swimsuit

Swimsuit or swimwear is an apparel which is structured for individuals involving in water-related events, be it for the purpose of sport or for pleasure such as surfing, swimming and diving.

There are different types and designs of swimsuits. You may choose the type you like, however, it is important to consider your body shape and size. Your choice may also depend on how covered or how fashionable you would like to look.


• One-piece : This kind of swimsuit offers more coverage to the body, although, some one-piece styles may offer less coverage but choosing a less coverage one would be a matter of fashion and style.

• Two-piece :

This is also known as "bikini", this will only cover the breasts, crotch and sometimes buttocks. There are different types of bikinis which include ;

- Microkini : Microkini offers less coverage, it covers the nipples and the genitals.

- Tankini : This bathing costume provides more coverage, the top is usually a tank top that covers the navel and you can select the kind of swim bottom you like with it. It is more decent, at least, your whole torso will be covered.

• Midkini : It offers more coverage like Tankini too but the top will not reach the navel, it will only drop down the bust a little.

- Trikini : Just as the name implies, it is a kind of bikini with three separate pieces of fabric, one for each breast and a piece for the bottom.

- Skirtini : This is simply a bikini but with a skirt bottom.

- Bandeaukini : This is also known as bandini, a two-piece swimming costume.  Bandeau top is strapless which could be worn with a bikini bottom of your choice.

Now we know some types and designs of two-piece swimming costumes. Let's continue with the main types of swimsuits.

Other types of swimsuits are :

• Monokini : This is sometimes called topless swimwear, only bottom without a top.
Some one-piece designed in a way that there is a link between the top and the bottom on the stomach are sometimes also referred to as Monokini.

• Swimdress : Swimdress means a gown for swimming, usually short. There are different styles of this type of swimwear.

• Burkini : This is also known as burqini, the most coverage. It is a bathing costume that covers the whole body, leaving only the hands, face and feet, originally designed for Muslim women but could be worn by anyone that prefers more decent wears.

• Full-body swimwear : In general (apart from burqini), this is the most coverage, it covers all parts of the body. It is like burkini without the head cover. This swimsuit is structured to create the most aerodynamic texture in water, it is more expensive as a result of creativity surrounding the production and the quantity of fabric . Athletes prefer full-body swimsuit.

It is important to consider your body shape when choosing a swimsuit, the shape of your breasts and buttocks are to be well considered.

Do not wear underwear under any kind of swimwear as swimwears are made of materials that could dry very fast unlike underwears, wearing underwear under swimwear can also look odd.


Just like we have discussed above, there are many types of swimsuits, if one is not comfortable for your shape, choose another type. There are also different styles  that are padded and offer good support like underwire bikini, flounce swimsuit design which can make a bust look more stylish and appealing, other styles are also available.

                    Flounce design

Try to bend, walk around and do some other practicals when selecting a swimsuit, ensure you are comfortable and be proud of yourself.



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