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Difference between home science (Nutrition and dietetics specialization) and Nutrition and dietetics Major

       Nutrition is the process by which nutrients and other substances in food interact with one another after absorption, in order to be useful for growth, repair, metabolism, reproduction, maintenance of health and management of diseases.      Dietetics on the other hand, is the application of the knowledge of nutrition to human diet (diet is the total food eaten by an individual) in order to maintain good quality health and manage illnesses and diseases.     Home science or family and consumer science is an interdisciplinary field of knowledge which the objective is at achieving the proper maintenance of individuals, family and society well-being. I previously wrote a detail article about  Home science . To understand this article, let's first explain the meaning of Degree specialization and Major degree. Download interesting books, novels, storybooks and movies • Degree specialization or concentration : This is usually in between a degree program and a specific