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Showing posts with the label food technology

Food Science and Technology vs Nutrition and Dietetics : Know the difference

I have noticed people often use these terms interchangeably, but is it proper to use them interchangeably? Perhaps you are always confused about the differences between these courses. I think you are on the right track in clearing your doubt as  I (the writer of this article) have a diploma in Food Science and Technology and I also hold a degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. Can you now see I'm qualified to clear your doubt and confusions? Get a brandable domain name for your business today!!! Nutrition : Nutrition is the process by which nutrients and the substances in food interacts with one another so as to be useful for growth, repair, metabolism, reproduction, maintenance of health and management of diseases. Dietetics : This is the application of knowledge of nutrition to human diet in order to maintain good health and to manage illness and diseases. Food science : This is the application of basic science and engineering to study the chemical, microbiological, bioch