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How ladies should dress for a job interview

Have you ever wondered how to dress to an interview? Although virtual interview is becoming so common these days, however, it does not stop some companies from the traditional way of running an interview.

Some job posts demand the management to see you in person too, it might be for many reasons; 
 To have an idea how active you are, to see how you carry yourself, to have an idea about how you look and more.

Here are some tips for you if you need to attend a physical interview, remember, the way you dress to an interviewer matters a lot.

- Suit skirt/trouser - Bright coloured shirt should be worn under or low neck top ( without revealing your cleavages). The suit should be a plain one with cool colour e.g black, navy blue or brown colour.

- Dress and Jacket - This simply means a short gown with a jacket, the gown should be a cool coloured gown while the jacket should be a little bright e.g brown gown will suit cream jacket. You can also reverse it, when the gown is a bit light in colour, the jacket should be cool in colour e.g light grey short gown and a black jacket.

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- Shirt, jacket and skirt/trouser - A shirt, plain jacket and cool coloured skirt/trouser is also a good idea, make sure you add a jacket to skirt and shirt.

- Pant trouser and shirt - You can never go wrong with deep colour pant trouser and a bright shirt.
Note - Never wear shirt and skirt without jacket.
     When going for skirt or gown, it should always be short not long, though up to your knee, except for few cases e.g if  you are going for teaching or lecturing interview.
     In case of teaching or lecturing interview, a knee length skirt or gown is preferable.

- A flat shoe is good, but a little high shoe is better, because it's gonna be showy and look more official.

If you are going for a teaching or lecturing interview, flat shoes are better.
- Stud earring is better with light or no make up.
     A file for your documents is all you need and remember to handle it with care. Handbag is not necessary, but if you must go with one, make sure it matches the colour of your dress.

It is important to note that this might not be applicable for all jobs. An interview in a gym for instance might need a casual outfit, a job in an entertainment industry may require a casual outfit too even if you are interviewing for the post of a manager. Hence, you need to do your findings about the dress code of the company before making final decision.

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