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R.Kelly's daughter calls him a "monster", she speaks out against her Father

Buku Abi whose real name is Joann Kelly, has  broken her silence about the issue on ground.

Joann took to her Instagram a post to respond to the allegations surrounding Lifetime's six-part documentary series "Surviving R.Kelly", where women are coming out with allegations about Kelly's sexual, physical and mental abuse.

She wrote : "I just want it to be known that I am speaking from the heart, nothing I say is to hurt ANY party reading or affected by this. To the people that I feel I should be speaking up against everything that is going on right now, I just want you all to understand that devastated is an understatement for all that I feel currently. I do apologize for my silence to all this happening comes off  as careless. That is my last intention".

She added that she and her Father (Kelly) have not  had a relationship in the past years, she claimed she only know him when they were living together with her mother ( Andrea Lee ).

She  wrote : "Anyone who know me personally or has been following me over the years knows that I do not have a relationship with my father. Nor do I speak on him or his behalf. I'm also not found of deal thing with my personal issues through social media but, I feel things  are starting to get out of hand".

She further stated on her Instagram post that "The same monster you all confronting me about is my father. I am well aware of who and what he is. I grew up in that house".

"Going through all I have gone through in my life, I would never want anyone to feel the pain I have felt . Reminder of how terrible my father is, and how we should be speaking against him. Rude comments about my family, fabricating me, my sibling and my mother's part".

She added : "This past year has been  really difficult, all the love and support you all continue to show is why we keep going".

Even though Kelly has denied the allegations, claiming he has never even met many of the women who surfaced  in the documentary series "Surviving R.Kelly". Police in Chicago and Georgia have launched a criminal investigation.

Some artists have publicly apologized for working with R.Kelly in the past, the artists include Phoenix, Lady Gaga and Chance the Rapper.

"We are deeply horrified by the stories of abuse surrounding R.Kelly. We regret that we were not informed and discerning when we worked with him previously. We fully support all victims of sexual abuse, and it's our hope that there will be a path to justice" - Phoenix said.

See R.Kelly label below to read more about R.Kelly.


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