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Typhoid with serious lower back pain (Typhoid Osteomyelitis)

 Typhoid with serious lower back pain

This is called Typhoid Osteomyelitis of the lumbar spine

Perhaps you are here because you have been diagnosed with Typhoid and after treatment, you still continue having serious lower back pain.

Typhoid Osteomyelitis is more like a secondary form of typhoid fever caused by Salmonella typhi.

 Salmonella typhi is sensitive to ampicillin, ciprofloxacin, and ceftriaxone. However, the typhoid Osteomyelitis maybe resistant to one or some of these medications.

According to research, typhoid has been reported to be resistant to ciprofloxacin in some people. Also, if the treatment doesn't last for a while with some of these medications the lower back pain (sometimes with stomach ache) could persist.

You may notice some form of skin nodule in some part of your body as well.

A case of a patient that was formerly reported according to PubMed: 

A 25-year-old Nepali man presented with a 20-day history of fever associated with a lower backache. Physical examination found tenderness over the lower lumbar vertebrae. Magnetic resonance imaging following intravenous contrast injection showed enhancement of the L4 and L5 vertebrae, particularly pronounced around the intervening disc, and areas of endplate erosion. Extra-vertebral enhancement and a small subligamentous anterior collection were also noted.


The patient received intravenous ampicillin 2 g per 4 hours for 6 weeks. The back pain resolved completely and the patient was discharged. 

Solutions in my own case: In my own case, what finally worked for me was also Ampicillin (after several treatments) and the Ampicillin treatment continued for 6 weeks. Although I took mine orally and it was taken 2 times a day (2-250 mg morning and night) because it was a continuous treatment with the treatment I was given at the hospital ( didn't want to abuse many kind of antibiotics altogether). Depending on the severity, you might do three times daily- morning, afternoon and night. However, you should ensure you are not hypersensitive to Penicillin if you would like to choose Ampicillin as an option as well.

Note: I'm writing this because I understand how painful this experience could be and a lot of medical practitioners still treat Typhoid Osteomyelitis as the usual Typhoid (treating it for just few days). I searched everywhere for solution and information but couldn't find any except from PubMed. All thanks to the scientist and writer of this particular topic on PubMed. It worked well but please note that the treatment should continue for minimum of 6 weeks and if you are hypersensitive to Ampicillin/Penicillin, you may want to ask your physician about another antibiotics that could work well like Ampicillin.

It is very important to also be cautious of your dietary intake at this period: 
Parboil your rice, eat much protein and very less fatty foods, eat less carbohydrates and increase your fruits and vegetables consumption. Ensure you cook with and drink very clean water.

Writer : Olaide - A nutritionist (with personal Typhoid Osteomyelitis experience )

Reference and further reading:

 Typhoid Osteomyelitis of the lumbar spine - PubMed

Ciprofloxacin resistant in Osteomyelitis - PubMed 

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