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Fintech investment and its benefit

 Financial technology also known as "Fintech" refers to the organisation using new technology to compete with traditional financial methods in the delivery of financial services.These technologies include,  Artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud computing e.t.c

Financial technology has expanded both in usage and capabilities in recent years. Today, more and more businesses are investing in this type of technology investment banking to improve the overall customer experience. However, before making any fintech investment, it is crucial to understand what is driving its growth and what challenges are involved.

Difference between Banks and Fintech

The key difference is that Banks  must be licensed and follow a strict set of guidelines. On the other hand, no one regulatory agency oversees fintech services. This lack of oversight gives fintech companies more freedom to set their own rules and regulations. This factor, however, makes fintech companies riskier to invest in than traditional banks.

A significant change that may not be too far to come to reality however,  is the development of stronger regulations of fintech. Many in the technology sector expect regulations to change the landscape of the fintech industry and force fintech providers to update their offerings to meet these new rules.

Benefits of investing in Fintech

Fintechs have the ability to use technology to automate compliance processes and reduce their regulatory burden which enables them to concentrate on innovation and meeting the needs of customers, rather than being pinned down by regulatory rules. They typically have smaller balance sheets, fewer employees, and less physical infrastructure than traditional financial institutions and face less regulatory requirements. This allows them to promptly create services that matter to the public an it means they have reduced cost of operation compared to traditional banks which may bring about more income.

Factors that influence the success of Fintech

-It is important  to place a greater emphasis on the fintech startup’s ability to solve customer problems and offer value added services. Unfortunately many fintech disregard this aspect

-The ability to acquire and retain customers can have a long-term impact on the startup's profitability and success; it is imperative to evaluate the user experience and customer acquisition strategy of the fintech startup before investing.

- Well structured staff management: This is paramount for fintech business, when staff are not treated well, a lot of things turns the other way, this also have an impact on the first two points. When staff are treated poorly they also end up treating customers poorly, knowingly or unknowingly. From the top management to the lowest ranked staff, work environment should be made pleasing to everyone.

- Fintech face significant competition from traditional financial institutions.  Here, it’s important to recognize that fintechs operate in a swiftly evolving landscape, with ground-breaking technologies and innovative business models emerging constantly, which necessitate a deep understanding of the startup's product guidelines, a good handle on the competitive landscape and the startup's ability to build protection around its business

- When assessing fintech startups for investment, the management team is important part of the project  to consider. To truly understand the potential of a fintech, one must move beyond the surface-level metrics and go deep into the financial realm. Hence, people with relevant experience and hardworking history should be majorly involved.

Advantages of investing in Fintech

1) You have your Cash on your mobile

Fintech companies are at the front position of the transformation towards a cash-less economy. They have delivered technologies that have made payments more comfortable. Making life better for everyone.

2) Prospective Acquirers are wealthy

The market leaders and competitors to fintech companies are wealthy.These competitors are characteristically banks or payment companies that require acquiring fintech companies for maintaining their market share.They might also be interested in having shares with fintech companies

3) The customers using traditional banking systems are turning away and switching to banking with FinTechs or non-bank options. They are even interacting with financial service providers for solutions that were beforehand delivered by banks.

4) Blockchain Penetration:

Cryptocurrencies are capturing a significant share in the fintech marketplace, with fintech startups enabling their operations across blockchain-based currency, Bitcoin. The boost in Blockchain turns strong due to the technological progressions in the decentralized ledger.

5) Fintech can often provide faster, more efficient services for lower costs than banks. These factors make fintech a more attractive to startup companies or those having trouble working with traditional investment bankers.

With the point above and more, you are definitely going to make sufficient returns after investing.

Challenges facing Fintech companies

1. Transactional Speeds must always be prompt and up to date, Fintech industries may need to invest more into this.

2. Technology Failures: This can cause serious issues for Fintech as Fintech majorly rely on technology, network failure, online security issue, inability to develop user friendly platforms among competitor and others might be some of the biggest challenges any fintech could face

3. Inadequate security (cybersecurity): With hacking here and there these days  it seems the security measures needed to be put in place for fintech is far higher than that of the traditional banking. Security issue could be a major problem. However, when professionals are employed, this could be curbed.

4. Restrictions from the government : There are some countries where Cryptocurrency trading are restricted as we speak due to some reasons, this may not give the fintech industry the opportunity  to move forward as fast as expected.

It is important to note that there's no business or investment without its own challenge. Striving to overcome these challenges is the key point. Ranging from the alert charges to service charges to interest on loan, withdrawal charges, huge savings from top people and companies that could be invested when owners are not in need, you would agree with me that financial service is one of the best businesses to invest in. Mixing it absolutely with technology (birthing FINTECH) adds a lot of spices to it.

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